People actually read this blog?

I integrated Google Analytics as an afterthought when setting up this blog. For the first time since I started writing, I checked out the dashboard. I expected a few page viewsmy own. It turns out, people actually read this stuff!

My reaction

I honestly never expected anyone to read this. No one should even be able to find my blog in the first place. After all, I have not indexed it on Google, not posted about it on any forum nor shared it. Even though I said I wished to help other developers in one of my first posts (Why I write), my true goal was to help myself when I bump into the same issue again.

Upon seeing the numbers, I was stupefied, then had a good laugh. Thank you for the readership! It feels surprisingly good to know it has helped other people.

Most read posts

The most popular posts are:

So the first thing I did was browse through them again. I noticed a few typos, missing links... which I fixed.

What next?

It could be a good opportunity to learn more about publishing. Also I could make myself more available to the community. So far I've intentionally stayed anonymous and left no contact info.

Lots of questions come to mind:

  • How important is tagging in a post?
  • How to do SEO on Google?
  • Should I index my site on other sites?
  • What search queries do readers use to end up on my site?
  • How important is referring to other posts in a post?
  • In Ghost, you can mark an article as Featured. How does it impact page views?
  • How about Google's AMP? Would it help to integrate it? How much viewership would come to the AMP page vs the regular page?
  • Would people comment if I integrated a comment box?
  • Would people like/tip if I integrated a like/tip component?
  • Dig into the data. What do the numbers actually mean?